Children Issues
When a relationships breaks down, one of your first concerns will be what will happen to the children.
We know that changes to a family’s arrangements can be difficult to resolve at a time when emotions can be running high, but we know that the welfare of your children will be of paramount importance to you.
There are likely to be a number of things for you to think about such as:
- who will the children live with and where?
- how often will they see the non-resident parent?
- what about child maintenance?
- what if we can’t agree on which school, or holidays abroad?
We aim to help you resolve these issues and reach agreement, where possible. We will provide you with advice about your position and how best to approach settling any issues.
We advocate the use of mediation as an effective method of dealing with child-related issues and legal aid is still available for those who qualify. Furthermore, you have to attend mediation for at least one assessment meeting if you think the matter may have to go to court. If mediation is not successful or your ex-partner/spouse is unwilling to go, we can negotiate on your behalf to reach a solution. If agreement is not possible, then we can advise you about court proceedings and can represent you at hearings. Whatever course of action is needed, you can be assured that you will be supported and represented by an experienced, fully qualified member of our team, who will use their skills and experience on your behalf.
We can assist with all areas affecting concerning children such as who the children should live with and how much time they can spend with the other parent (now called child arrangement orders), parental responsibility, prohibited steps, specific issue orders and removal from the jurisdiction/abduction.
We can discuss any concerns you may have at an initial fixed fee appointment and advise you on the best course of action.
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